Food, Days Out and Travel stories from Brighton, London and the Rest of the World

In the last week Bob Maddams, the accomplished film maker and travel writer has had a lot to celebrate. Gem tv the Ethiopian film school, w...
Venue: the Grand Hotel   Promoter: Something Witty Theatre   Website: Facebook: Private Lives on Facebook ...
Jane Bom-Bane's House Venue: Bom-Bane's Music Cafe Promoter: Bom-Bane's and She Bakes Entrance fee: £10/£5 - Afternoon...
Last night I had a tip off, (can’t reveal my sources), that the Warren was having a launch party, so with my fascination with the Kardashia...
 ~  It would not be a shocking admission to make that I put a lot of store by recommendations, for a start I make a lot of them myself. ...
Venue: Nightingale (The) - Dining Room    Category: Theatre Dates: WORLD OF WRONG, 4th May at 10pm CULT OF THE WRONG, 6th May and 7th Ma...
As 15th April 2012 approaches and with it the tragic centenary of the sinking of the Titanic, I thought it appropriate to commemorate a happ...
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