Without realising it I was half-stood in the open doorway of a shop while trying to find the right angle for a photograph I was trying to take.
I was trying to find the perfect angle for a photo of a shop window in Kemptown village when I looked up and saw a lady smiling at me from behind the counter in the shop.
I realised I should explain what I was doing and wandered into the shop while I started talking.Paul Weller was singing his heart out in the corner on a vintage record player. On the wall hung an album cover with a picture of Jimmy from Quadrophenia emanating teenage angst and underneath were boxes of records.
In the centre was a rack of second-hand sheepskin coats. I had entered a little Mod haven.
Across one wall were stacked hundreds of records. "You sell records", I said, "I didn't know that." "Many people don't", said Lisa, "it's an area we want to develop. We sell all genres of music from 1960's disco to Jazz, Soul, Ska and funk. Everything really, except we don't cover rock music."
I scanned the records and could see Ramones, The Stooges, Muddy Waters, The Cure and The Smiths to name some of the albums on show.
It was a Tuesday afternoon when I popped in and a healthy number of shoppers were having a mooch inside while I was there chatting to the owner Lisa.
Above on a shelf were vintage cases for carrying records in. On another rack were faux animal fur coats. It was all pretty mod cool.
Paul stopped singing and Lisa went to turn the record over. I decided it was time for me to leave before the Weller wailer sucked me back into this little Mod world.
Foxed Up Vintage, 104 St Georges Road, Kemptown Village, Brighton BN2 1EA
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