Brighton's Starling Spectacular
Starlings at dusk, from Brighton Pier |
Every evening just before dusk, Brighton’s piers host a starling spectacular when the birds gather in their thousands to join forces for protection and to keep warm at night. As they come together from across the Sussex countryside in huge clouds called "murmurations", wheeling and swooping in unison they put on an extraordinary aerial ballet. Come and marvel at this phenomenon in the skies before they swoop beneath Brighton's piers to roost for the night and to which they return to every evening. The sight is most magnificent during the winter months because their numbers swell with migrant birds from the continent attracted by Briton’s milder climate. However, to add poignancy and despite the impressive size of these flocks, crashes in the starling population by more than 70% in recent years means they are now on the critical list of UK birds most at risk.
There is an RSPB viewpoint near the 'Kiss Wall' sculpture.
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