Food, Days Out and Travel stories from Brighton, London and the Rest of the World


Sharing a poem found under a bed in Leeds c. early 1990s

Sitting at my desk this morning, with a whole heap of serious minded tasks to look at, I quite predictably got distracted from doing any of that by a little poem what I wrote years ago and found earlier today. Quite happy with it, I typed it out and saved it in a folder just in case I ever want to look at it again. This incident reminded me of another little poem that was happened across, this one I didn’t write and was found under a bed, on a scrap of paper in student digs in Leeds. My sister came across this forlorn little moment captured and abandoned in the corner of a room by an unknown hand. This gives it even greater poignancy and my sis and I have always loved it, so I thought I’d share it and maybe the owner will one day come across it and reclaim it as hers.


He said


I shuffled

My feet

And kept a close

Watch on my shoes.

He was talking

I was listening

But he probably

Thought I was


Because I never

Even lifted my


I didn’t want him

To see

The mess mascara

Makes when it

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